In collaboration with our legendary rider Dominik Hernler, we proudly present his signature vest. The Dom impact vest reflects his unique style and unparalleled experience on the water. Featuring a distinctive embroidered patch on the front, complemented by contrasting black bindings. Its sandy brown color and two fabric types bring a fresh and dynamic texture to the table. Crafted with a structured bottom and flexible top, the Dom vest not only delivers outstanding performance through impact resistance but also ensures enhanced maneuverability.
$ 159.99
In collaboration with our legendary rider Dominik Hernler, we proudly present his signature vest. The Dom impact vest reflects his unique style and unparalleled experience on the water. Featuring a distinctive embroidered patch on the front, complemented by contrasting black bindings. Its sandy brown color and two fabric types bring a fresh and dynamic texture to the table. Crafted with a structured bottom and flexible top, the Dom vest not only delivers outstanding performance through impact resistance but also ensures enhanced maneuverability.